Historic heritage of Novosibirsk: Architectural monuments [Комплект : Электронный ресурс] : multi-format guide in Braille, tactile graphics and large print / Novosibirsk regional special library for the blind and visually impaired. Pt. 2 / [authors: M. Kalinin, G. Fromicheva ; consultants: M. Kalinin, S. Filonov, T. Trofimova ; edited by G. Fromicheva ; Braille text is edited by S. Vasilyeva ; designed by A. Chepikova ; head of the project Y. Y. Lesnevsky], 2017. - 1 album (38 Braille pages; 36 large-print pages; 14 tactile-graphic pages) (Введено оглавление)


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    Historic heritage of Novosibirsk: Architectural monuments [Электронный ресурс] : multi-format guide in Braille, tactile graphics and large print / Novosibirsk regional special library for the blind and visually impaired. - Novosibirsk : [s. n.], 2017
   Pt. 2 / [authors: M. Kalinin, G. Fromicheva ; consultants: M. Kalinin, S. Filonov, T. Trofimova ; edited by G. Fromicheva ; Braille text is edited by S. Vasilyeva ; designed by A. Chepikova ; head of the project Y. Y. Lesnevsky]. - 2017. - 1 album (38 Braille pages; 36 large-print pages; 14 tactile-graphic pages) : зв. : фот. цв. ; 30x40 см + 1 вкладной лист + 1 эл. опт. диск (CD-ROM) (25 мин.) + диск : 1.4 м/сек, 12 см, цифp. - Содержание: Tactile-graphic scheme of adaptive excursion route ; The "Clock house" ; The house of F. Mashtakov ; The House of Regional Organizations ; 100 apartment house ; The Regional Executives` house ; The house №20 on Krasny Prospect ; Glossary ; Appendix. - (пружина) : 7355.00 р.
This multi-format guide is published for the "New ways of independent living" project.
Перевод заглавия: Историческое наследие Новосибирска: памятники архитектуры

ББК 85.113(2Рос-4Нос)

Рубрики: Архитектура--Градостроительство--Новосибирск, г.--Рельефно-графические пособия

Аннотация: The guide includes full-color and tactile graphic images of architecture details and facades of the buildings, that were included into the list of monuments of history, culture and architecture of regional and federal value, and built in Novosibirsk (before 1926 - Novonikolaevsk) during 1900-1930`s; explanatory and information texts and commentaries; terms; symbols to graphic schemes.
Доп.точки доступа:
Калинин, М. В. \сост.\
Фромичева, Галина Владмировна \сост.\
Калинин, М. В. \конс.\
Филонов, С. В. \конс.\
Трофимова, Т. А. \конс.\
Фромичева, Галина Владимировна \ред.\
Васильева, Светлана Геннадьевна \ред.\
Чепиков, Алексей Владимирович \худож.\
Новосибирская областная специальная библиотека для незрячих и слабовидящих

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