Folk decorative handicrafts, "Gorodets painting" [Комплект] : multiformat edition in Braille, tactile graphics, large-print formats / Novosibirsk Regional Special Library for the Blind and Visually Impaired, 2011. - 42 p.


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    Folk decorative handicrafts, "Gorodets painting" : multiformat edition in Braille, tactile graphics, large-print formats / Novosibirsk Regional Special Library for the Blind and Visually Impaired ; [cons. T. S. Asheulova ; editor responsible for the issue Y. Y. Lesnevsky ; comp. M. V. Schetneva ; braille editor S. G. Vasilyeva ; designer V. V. Bushkov]. - Novosibirsk : Special Regional Library, 2011. - 42 p. : рельеф.ил., цв.ил. ; 42x29 см. - 4410.00 р.
Перевод заглавия: Народные художественные промыслы, Городецкая роспись

ББК 85.125

Рубрики: Роспись художественная--по дереву

   Промыслы народные--Нижегородская область

Аннотация: The album includes: origin and development of Gorodets painting, representations of the main paintings, scheme of drawings, representations of objects decorated with Gorodets painting; terminology vocabulary.
Доп.точки доступа:
Asheulova, T.S. \cons.\
Lesnevsky, Y.Y. \editor responsible for the issue.\
Schetneva, M.V. \comp.\
Vasilyeva, S. G. \braille editor.\
Bushkov, V.V. \designer.\
Novosibirsk Regional Special Library for the Blind and Visually Impaired

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